Redux vs Context: Performance vs Simplicity in React State Management

Data flows in a single direction, from the app’s data store (state) through actions to the views (UI components). This is to maintain predictability and simplify debugging React applications. In your connected component, dispatch actions by calling the action creators provided by ‘mapDispatchToProps’. Create action creators and reducers for the React application. Actions will describe what should happen, and Reducers will specify how the state needs to change by the corresponding Actions. Create separate files for them – ‘action.js’ and ‘reducer.js’.

What is Redux vs React

Fortunately, Redux Toolkit provides a solution to this problem. Here, the component loops over each task in the tasks array and displays text and a delete button. When the user clicks the delete button, the handleDelete function is called, dispatching the deleteTodo action with the task's id as the payload.

Functional programming and Redux

And as you might guess, it will help us consume the context. By passing our context ArticleContext as argument to useContext, it gives us access to our state holden in articleContext.js. Therefore, we pull it out and map through our articles and show them.

What is Redux vs React

Whenever we call the store.dispatch function, the reducer function will be called. Whatever is returned from the reducer will become the new value of the store. This is because the store is connected using the reducer function, but we have not added any code inside the reducer to manage the store. This way, you can now call the actions changeUserRoleToEditor and changeUserRoleToAuthor from an onclick event in a button element.

Your tasks:

They allow us to hook into React’s core features and handle state management easily. Even though Redux solves our state management problem, it is time-consuming to use, has a difficult learning curve, and introduces a whole new layer of complexity to our application. When combined with React Hooks, we have a state management solution that is less time-consuming to set up, has an easier learning curve, and requires minimal code. Now, instead of pulling out saveArticle, now we get the dispatch function. It expects a type of action ADD_ARTICLE and a value article which will be the new article.

What is Redux vs React

Finally, we export the store object so that it can be imported and used in other parts of the application. Once you have installed the needed dependencies, create a new “slice” using the createSlice function. A slice is a portion of the Redux store that is responsible for managing a specific piece of state. In the next sections, we will explore how to use Redux Toolkit to simplify the Redux code for the ToDo application we built earlier. You now have a good grasp of how to integrate Redux into your React applications. In the next section, we will explore Redux Toolkit and discover how it can simplify the process of writing Redux code with less effort.

Note how in the above example, we dispatch an action on click of the button. Or rather, to be more specific, we dispatch something known as an action creator – that is, the function addItemToCart(). This in turn returns an action which why redux is a plain JS object describing the purpose of the action denoted by the type key along with any other data required for the state change. In this case, it's the name of the book to be added to the cart denoted by the payload key.

What is Redux vs React
